Disclaimer & Fact-Checking Policy

Disclaimer : TopGlobalTales.com

TopGlobalTales.com is a digital news platform that compiles and shares information from various sources. We publish news, articles, analysis, updates, and opinions on a wide range of topics, contributed by multiple authors and sources.

Accuracy & Responsibility

We strive to provide accurate and reliable information, but we do not independently verify all content. TopGlobalTales does not assume responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the information provided.

Our content is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered as:

Professional consultation of any kind, Legal advice, Medical advice, Financial guidance

Liability Disclaimer

YTopGlobalTales is not liable for any errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use of our content. Users are encouraged to verify information and seek guidance from trusted professionals before making decisions based on our content.

By using TopGlobalTales.com, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer and accept full responsibility for how you use the information provided.

For any questions regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at:

📧 Email: hey@topglobaltales.com

    Fact-Checking Policy

    Fact-Checking Policy: TopGlobalTales.com


    At TopGlobalTales.com, our mission is to provide accurate, reliable, and transparent news. In an era of misinformation, we prioritize the verification of facts to ensure that our readers receive credible and well-researched content. This Fact-Checking Policy outlines our approach to fact verification and our commitment to journalistic integrity.

    Fact-Checking Process

    Source Verification

    We prioritize authenticity and credibility by verifying critical sources before publishing any news or analysis. Our team cross-references information with official sources, expert opinions, and verified reports to maintain accuracy.

    Fact-Checking Team

    Our dedicated fact-checking team thoroughly reviews news stories, investigative reports, and breaking news before publication. Each piece of content goes through a rigorous validation process to minimize errors and misinformation.

    Levels of Verification

    To ensure high journalistic standards, we employ multiple levels of verification:

    • Desk Verification – Initial research and cross-referencing with trusted sources.
    • Source Verification – Confirming details with subject-matter experts and official statements.
    • Technical Verification – Utilizing digital tools to verify images, videos, and data authenticity.

    Verification Accountability

    Despite our comprehensive fact-checking process, errors may still occur. We encourage readers to cross-check information and perform self-verification when necessary. We value transparency and remain open to constructive feedback.

    Error Correction & Transparency

    If you believe we have published inaccurate information, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Our editorial team is committed to reviewing all concerns and making necessary corrections promptly and transparently.

    Correction Process

    • If a factual error is identified, a correction notice will be added to the article.
    • If the article was shared on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), a follow-up post will link to the corrected version, clearly noting the changes made.
    • Our editor-in-chief will directly reach out to the individual who submitted the correction and inform them about the steps taken to rectify the mistake.

    Contact Us

    For any questions or concerns regarding our fact-checking policy, please reach out to us at:

    📧 Email: hey@topglobaltales.com